#include <stdio.h>
int main()
/* promotions in assignments*/
/*short s = 64;
int i = s;
float f = 3.14f;
double d = f;*/
/* demotion in assignments */
/*d = 1.25;
f = 1.25;
f = 1.123;*/
/* ranking of types in operations */
// long double > double > float
// unsigned long long, long long
// unsigned long, long
// unsigned, int
// short int, unsigned short int
// signed char, char, unsigned char // _Bool
//Ref: Google 'Integer conversion rank'
//d = f + 1.234;
//f = f + 1.234;
/* automatic promotion of function arguments */
// 1. Functions without prototypes
// 2. Variadic functions (ellipsis)
/* casting operators */
/*d = (double)3.14f;
i = 1.6 + 1.7;
i = (int) 1.6 (int) 1.7;*/
/* more examples */
// char c;
////int i;
////float f;
//f = i = c = 'A'; // 65
//printf("%c%d %f\n", c, i, f);
//c = c + 2;// 'C', 67
//i = f + 2 c;// 65.0f + 2 * 67
//printf("%c%d %f\n", c, i, f); // 199
//c = 1106; // demolition, 1106 = 0b10001010010, 0b01010010 = 1106 % 256
//printf("%c\n", c);
//c = 83.99;
//printf("%c\n", c);
return 0;